Sunday 27 July 2014

Nerf Mod Complete!

After a break to go places and do things that needed to be done, I finished the Neft build. I hot glued the wires, boards and switches, and added a battery holder for 9v at the bottom of the gun.

It still fires like it should, not interfering with any wires. I've documented this whole process and will be releasing an Instructable tutorial in the near future!

Check back soon for my next project. Maybe I'll do the quadbot project now!

BTW I had some pictures but since rooting my phone and installing CyanogenMod I cant post them using the Blogger app... So I'll edit those up soon.

Thursday 10 July 2014

Quick Break

Sorry everyone, I meant to finish my build of the Nerf gun but its been a busy week so it will be a few more days.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Almost finished Nerf Mod

So after a bit of a break, I continued with my Nerf build.

Today I drilled the holes for the power LED and Switch, and soldered wires on to both of those.

I had to start thinking about how I was going to connect all the wires together. I don't have perf board so I cant solder them that way, and I really don't want to just leave components and wires directly soldered to eachother unless I really have to.

So I had to figure out another solution.

I dug through my box of circuit boards until I found 2 pretty small through-hole ones. I desoldered all the components, leaving me with empty boards. I'm going to solder my components on to these, using the premade traces to my advantage. It worked out well!

Everything is all set to solder! But that will have to wait until tomorrow.